CUE el robot que las encesta todas

CUE el robot que las encesta todas

CUE las encesta todas

La robótica y la inteligencia artificial están rebasando todas las fronteras.
CUE, el robot que presentó Toyota en el descando del partido de Francia contra Estados Unidos las mete todas. Pero la NBA no sería igual con máquinas de verdad. Preferimos a los jugadores de carne y hueso, con sus fallos, inherentes a la condición humana.
I think it's really unique, he told In Touch. "I mean, there's no way that's happening and to do that in a festival setting is really unique. I feel like it's very exciting that Diplo will be there. There's a lot of energy in his show. There's lots of excitement. There's a lot of positivity throughout his show and he's just like this super-genius." Diplo was originally slated to perform at the VMAs.

CUE lanzando a canasta

CUE robot

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